Mark Zuckerberg dreams of a "Jarvis" 

    Mark Zuckerberg dreams of a Mark Zuckerberg has taken on a major challenge: to create an artificial intelligence in the style of "Jarvis".

    Fans of the Iron Man movies would certainly be delighted to be able to have a personal assistant like "Jarvis", a device with a artificial intelligence extremely advanced, developed by hero Tony Stark to assist, control and tune all the details of his daily life. Mark Zuckerberg would like to make this dream come true: he set himself the challenge in 2016 to "build a simple AI to run the house and (l) 'help in (his) work ... like a kind of Jarvis in Iron Man ".

    To carry out his project, the CEO of Facebook intends first of all to make an inventory of existing technologies, before developing a system equipped with a speech Recognition, which could be used to operate simple commands such as increasing the temperature of the room or lowering the volume of the music. But Mark Zuckerberg wants to be even more ambitious and would like to design an artificial intelligence capable of recognizing his friends at the door in order to let them in, or to make sure that all is well in his daughter's room, a bit like 'a butler. Mark Zuckerberg's "Jarvis" might even help him in his work.

    This project is above all a fun intellectual challenge for the founder of Facebook, who is not intended to create a carbon copy of Jarvis. This would indeed require substantial work on the part of a whole team. However, artificial intelligence is attracting more and more funding, Facebook having already invested in this area through its AI Research program.

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