Create a company page on Linkedin

Create a company page on LinkedinWith more than five million active members in Spain, the professional social network LinkedIn has become an essential visibility space for public or private structures. The "business pages" are an opportunity for VSEs, SMEs, associations and communities to strengthen their presence on the professional social network, and on the web, in order to promote their activities, network with members, or even develop their activities. HR. Here's a handy guide to getting started with Business Pages on LinkedIn.

What is a business page on LinkedIn?

A company page is a public space intended to promote the activities of a company, its news, and more generally its culture to the LinkedIn community and Internet users carrying out online research.

Why create a LinkedIn page?

  • To improve its natural referencing: a corporate LinkedIn page is very well referenced on search engines,
  • to promote expertise in a field of activity to the LinkedIn community,
  • to promote services, products and events.
  • to network, generate leads and recruit prospects. Read: Using social networks for your B2B strategy
  • to publish job offers and broaden recruitment,
  • to network employees and ex-employees of a company,

More generally, a LinkedIn page can strengthen the digital identity of your company and act on its online reputation.

For which companies and organizations?

All companies can create a LinkedIn page (TPE, SME, large accounts). This space is also open to associations (e: of law 1901, associations of former graduates), and to local communities.

The five areas of activity most represented on LinkedIn are:

  • information technologies,
  • the public sector,
  • marketing and advertising,
  • the banking sector.

Create a business page on LinkedIn


The prerequisites for creating a business page on LinkedIn are as follows:

  • Be an employee of the company: the position held must be listed in the “Experience” section of his profile.
  • Configure as the main e-mail address an address attached to the company's e-mail domain name (eg: The email domain name must be unique. To define a primary email address: Account> preference> Edit / add primary email. General public webmails are not allowed (ex: Yahoo Mail, Gmail)
  • Tip: if the company does not have a unique e-mail domain: create a group.
  • Count several relationships in your network
  • Enrich your profile (background, experiences, skills, portfolio): This must reach the "Intermediate" or "Absolute Expert" level. The “profile strength” is shown on the right column of the profile page. Read: optimize your LinkedIn profile and develop your network

Create a company page on Linkedin

Add a LinkedIn Page

  • Once connected to his profile (and after having validated the previous steps): click on the “Company” tab.
  • Click at the top right on "add a company"
  • Follow the indicated procedure

Create a company page on Linkedin

The user with administrator rights can then start editing the page and share posts.

Anatomy of a LinkedIn Page

The contents of a LinkedIn page are organized around four tabs.

Here is the information on a company page that LinkedIn members who are logged in to their account have access to:

Note: the presentation of information differs for Internet users not connected to a LinkedIn profile

  • Home / presentation: the public "profile" of the page. It includes a description of the company, company publications (news feed), members belonging to the company network.
  • Products and services : this tab was removed by LinkedIn in April 2014. The presentation of product and service pages can be done via the showcase pages, which are spaces dedicated to this use.
  • Information: this section includes information on the company's employees (taking up their duties, leaving) and the subscribers of the page
  • Careers (paid): this section allows the company to communicate with professionals on its recruitment policy, vacancies, etc.

Create a company page on Linkedin

Administer a LinkedIn page

The administration tools of a LinkedIn page allow in particular:

  • to delete a user who has registered by mistake as an employee or former employee of the company (the request for deletion must be sent to LinkedIn)
  • add other administrators to a page,

Note: Deleting a LinkedIn Page is only possible by contacting LinkedIn Customer Service.

Running a company page on LinkedIn: best practices

  • Add a cover image and a logo, vary the visuals according to the visibility objective on LinkedIn: products, banners of a promotional campaign, events.
  • In the "description" part: choose the keywords to optimize the referencing of your page on the most important terms (eg expertise, services provided) and facilitate research for network members.
  • List and illustrate the company's products and services in the dedicated section.
  • Encourage employees, once they are logged in / subscribed to the page, to enrich their LinkedIn profiles
  • Send invitations to business associates to subscribe to the page.
  • Request recommendations from subscribers on its services / products.
  • Define specific objectives for each publication posted.
  • Install a “follow the company” button on its website to encourage Internet users to subscribe to the page.

Measure the audience of a LinkedIn page

Company pages are equipped with an audience measurement tool and the performance of shared publications.

This module allows you to:

  • identify the statuses that generate the most engagement (clicks, shares, comments) from members,
  • generate engagement trends by filtering posts by period and type of interaction,
  • follow the scope of publications (impressions),
  • follow the acquisition of subscribers,
  • obtain qualitative data on their followers (e.g. according to their hierarchical level within a company),
  • compare the number of followers of his page to that of competing pages.

Measure the impact of your marketing actions on LinkedIn

Content Marketing Score

"Content Marketing Score" is an analysis tool helping companies to assess the impact of their publications shared on LinkedIn
Based on interactions around shared content, this tool generates different scores, which reflect the effectiveness of their global communication actions on LinkedIn :

  • via their Linkedin Page,
  • publications shared by their employees,
  • or articles published by influencers.

LinkedIn page dedicated to Content Marketing Score

Trending content: target "trending" topics

"Trending Content" establishes a ranking of the most popular topics on LinkedIn within qualified audiences (eg decision-makers, professionals in certain sectors). This tool helps identify promising content on the network, to boost the reach of its publications, or increase interactions around shared content.
LinkedIn provides companies with a contact form allowing them to retrieve scores and reports related to these two tools.
Page dedicated to the Trending Content tool

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