Create your business card online

Create your business card online
With the online business card maker tools, you can create your own business card with just a few clicks.

Create your business card online

The business card: instructions for use


The business card is a great promotional tool. It is a communication document not to be overlooked because it offers the opportunity to enhance the identity and image of your company while promoting its services, activities, etc. It must both reflect the image of the company but also spread a message. Much more useful and durable than a small piece of paper, the business card must be able to store very easily.

The format

The traditional size of a business card is 80x126mm however the most commonly used standard size is 85x54mm. It is approximately the size of a bank card, so ideal for slipping it into a wallet. If you opt for classic ergonomics, know that square shapes are more popular than rounded ones.

The paper

To obtain a pleasant and aesthetic printed result, choose a coated, glossy or matte paper instead. Low-end papers are definitely to be banned because they will give a disappointing result far from your expectations. Finally, a paper that is too thin will be too fragile and flexible, so opt for a paper of at least 300g.

The typography

Using too many different fonts will affect your card reading. It is indeed important to keep the same typography for everything you plan to write. On the other hand, you can very well play on the size (not less than 7pt) and the aspect (bold, italic) to highlight certain information.

The impression

If you think you don't have enough room to enter and place all the information correctly on the front, you can very well use the back of your card. Because be careful, you must not clutter your business card otherwise it will quickly become illegible. The front will mainly be used to record additional practical information (an access map, prices, opening hours, etc.).


As with all your professional documents, the business card must respect a common graphic charter, that is to say that you will have to favor the use of the same color code (1 to 2 colors maximum). The presence of your logo will obviously be essential so that your partners can identify you but also possibly think of a slogan to give a certain tone to your document.


If you have the creative soul, you can also try your luck with graphic design software such as Illustrator, Publisher or Photoshop. Instead of adopting a standard style you will be able to obtain a more sophisticated and original design, as it is in question here. There is even free software, like Scribus, allowing you to make your own business cards.

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What should I fill in there?

For a business card to be both complete and effective, it is necessary to know how to fill in the essential information, that is to say what will be most relevant for the correspondent who will hold your card.

Usually, there are:

  • your first and last name
  • the name of your company and its corporate name
  • a logo and possibly a slogan
  • the position or function you hold there
  • the postal address of your company
  • phone number and / or fax number
  • Your email address
  • the full address of your website if you have one

If you feel it is necessary, you can of course add other information that may be relevant, but remember that your business card must remain clear, sober and readable at a glance.

How much does it cost ?

Several websites offer you to personalize your business card for free. This is the case in particular with Free PDF Cards, an English-speaking site, very practical and easy to use, which offers you to complete and insert your personal information in the predefined fields then add your own logo at the top left. . Once your card is complete, validate your selection then download the file in PDF format.

In the same style, Business Card Star has the same functionalities, however, you will need to register on the site if you want to save your project or even download the model to your computer.

With these first two economical and fast solutions, you can easily print your own business cards at home on the paper of your choice, with approximately 8 to 12 cards per sheet.

As for the French sites, you can go to Vista Print, a site which offers a wide range of themes already created. After registration, you can choose from the 42 free themes available or go to the second solution which offers a higher quality service. For this method, the overall price will vary depending on the format, the quality of the paper, the colors, the printing (front / back), the quantity desired as well as the options you choose to include.

Be careful though, because if you order the 250 business cards, say free, you will still have to pay the postage and processing costs!

Other resources

  • Ooprint
  • Smile Print
  • Documentic
  • Cartavoo

Photo credit: LS -

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