Comparative: which are the cheapest Macs?

Comparative: which are the cheapest Macs?


We are not telling you anything, it is well known that Macs, like most Apple products, are offered at very high prices, especially compared to certain Windows alternatives.  

However, and fortunately, it is not impossible to find an Apple brand computer on a tight budget.  

If you're one of those looking for a Mac while keeping an eye on your wallet, then take help from this article in which we compare the Mac mini, MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro and the entry-level iMac. Thanks to this guide, you will be able to easily identify the one corresponding to your needs and your finances.   

The cheapest Mac  

Are you looking for a new Mac at a price that is not excessive? Then only two options are available to you (at the time of writing February 2022):

  • Mac mini, from €799 
  • MacBook Air, from €1 

However, if you have a more flexible budget of a hundred euros, then here are two other alternatives:

  • 13-inch MacBook Pro, from €1 
  • 24-inch iMac, from €1 

They can be purchased in new condition, but there are others you can consider. For that, why not take a look at Apple's refurbished products store? 

You may not know it, but the firm refurbishes Macs that have been returned to it. They are maintained, repaired if necessary, and resold with a guarantee. 

It's a great way to get great deals on like-new Macs. 

The best and cheapest Macs 

Mac mini  

The cheapest Mac is the Mac mini, but it's not as affordable as it once was when it was only $599. 

Now, for $799 you get an Apple M1 chip with an 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, and 256GB storage. That's exactly the same specs as the $13 1-inch MacBook Pro, for almost twice as much.   

One of the strengths of the Mac mini is that it hosts an anthology of ports, it includes two USB-A ports as well as two Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports and an HDMI which allows you to connect two monitors to it.  

We highly recommend this product, which is superb for those who want to benefit from a macOS without breaking the bank. In addition, it is often subject to promotions on reseller sites. 

Keep in mind that this is a computer without a screen, keyboard or mouse, it is obviously compatible with your peripherals. This also means an additional expense if you are not already equipped.

Comparative: which are the cheapest Macs?

MacBook Air  

Retailing at €1, the 129GB MacBook Air is Apple's cheapest laptop and the most suitable for most users.  

To compare it to the Mac mini, apart from its higher cost, it is slightly less powerful because its GPU has 7 cores instead of 8. Even if, at the moment T it does not seem very important to you, but can become in the future.  

The MacBook Air with 8-core GPU will cost you €1, or an additional hundred euros.   

It's also worth pointing out that the 24-inch iMac offers the same 7-core GPU as this entry-level MacBook Air, and the same 265GB storage for $1.  

As with the Mac mini, you may be able to find a discount on the MacBook Air in Apple's refurbished products store or on e-commerce sites. 

Comparative: which are the cheapest Macs?

MacBook Pro 13 inches 

We're including the 13-inch MacBook Pro here because while it's significantly more expensive than the entry-level Mac mini and MacBook Air, its performance is worth your attention and the extra expense.  

If you compare the $1 MacBook Pro with the $449 MacBook Air, you might feel like you're losing quite a bit of storage (1GB vs. 399GB). However, its advantage is that it has a fan allowing it to avoid overheating in the event of intensive use.

Comparative: which are the cheapest Macs?   

24-inch iMac 

The price of this iMac starts from €1. We submit it to you because it has a very nice 499-inch 4,5K screen, which could therefore be suitable for professionals.  

On the other hand, you'll spend the same amount as a standard 13-inch MacBook Pro, and a little more than for the high-end MacBook Air. Finally, it should be noted that these two models have more advantages. 

Also, weighing it up further, the Mac mini is extremely capable for half the price, just add your own monitor, mouse, and keyboard. 

Comparative: which are the cheapest Macs?


Again, your choice will depend on your needs. If you want a portable device, then we recommend the MacBook Air, from €1.  

The Mac mini is the least expensive Mac, however you will need a separate screen, mouse and keyboard. This is a great solution if your budget is limited and you already own these peripherals.  

The main recommendation we can give you is to buy your Mac somewhere other than on the brand's website. Instead, look for discounts and offers at resellers or through Apple's refurbished products store. 

Conversely, it is not recommended to get a second-hand Mac on eBay or Le Bon Coin. Indeed, these are usually very old models that Apple no longer supports. 

Last important information to take into account, Apple is in full transition from Intel to its own M1 processors, soon M2. So before you look at an Intel version, maybe consider a Mac M1.  

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